Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Install Dropbox on SolydX

Dropbox is a cloud storage that let you synchronize files or folders anywhere on any device as long as you are connected to the internet.

If you don't have any Dropbox account yet, you should try it here (and kindly using my referral).

To install Dropbox, first go to the official Dropbox website to download the .deb file here

Download the .deb files
Click the downloaded .deb files to open it with gdebi package installer.
The installation process is finished.
Run the dropbox installer.
The dropbox installation wizard will open. Click ok to continue.
The wizard will download the necessary files.
If you have registered from the link above, select i already have a Dropbox account and then click next.
Fill in the email and password for your Dropbox account and click next.
Select the preferred type of account and click next.
Choose the advanced to have the Dropbox folder at separated partition so it is saved just in case you ever need to reinstall the operating system.

To set up the separated partition, follow the step by step mentioned at this post.
Since i already have a Dropbox folder, a warning dialog box will appear. Just click ok.

If you don't have any dropbox folder before, no warning dialog box would open.
Choose whether you want to sync all folder or just  selective folder.
And the setup process is done. Welcome to Dropbox!


  1. Interesting program. But do you know what a drop box actually is? I'm just curious because a dropbox is actually placed somewhere, typically in a person's driveway, where the person can easily dump garbage in. Say you had a flood in your basement and needed to gut everything out, you would need a dropbox for this to get done more quickly. Once finished the drop box service in Portland or wherever you are at will take the thrown-out materials and dispose of them "properly." Some are now looking at recycling materials, others just send them to designated dumps before eventually shipped overseas to a(n) unfortunate country. In any case, to never be seen again by the original owner. the name just doesn't seem to fit to me is all.
